Domestic Abuse: Protecting and Supporting Staff and Students
Domestic Abuse: Guidance and support for those at risk of harm and for managers and supervisors supporting them.
- Domestic Abuse - Guidance for those at risk of harm (Word)
- Domestic Abuse - Guidance for managers and supervisors (Word)
If you are in immediate danger, please call 999
University of Leeds Security
- Phone: (0113) 343 2222 (emergencies only)
- Phone: (0113) 343 5494/5 (non-emergencies)
- Email:
Leeds Domestic Violence Service
- Phone: 0113 246 0401 (24 hour helpline)
- Email:
- Leeds Domestic Violence Service website
National Centre for Domestic Violence
- Phone: 0800 970 2070 (24 hour helpline)
- Email:
- National Centre for Domestic Violence website
University of Leeds Support
Support for Staff
- Line manager, local HR team, the Equality & Inclusion Unit
- Domestic Abuse: Protecting and Supporting Staff and Students guidance
Please note, safe working spaces are available on campus while the majority of staff are working from home due to the impact of COVID-19. Please contact your line manager or local HR if you would like further information. - Trade Unions: the three official campus trade unions: UCU, UNISON and Unite
- Staff Counselling and Psychological Support Service (SCPSS)
Support for Students
- Personal tutor, Student Services Centre and School or Faculty office
- Student Counselling and Wellbeing
- Leeds University Union (LUU) Student Help and Support
External support – Local: All victims
- Basis (formerly Genesis) – 0113 243 0036
Outreach support for women working in the sex industry, young women involved in or at risk of sexual exploitation, women who have experienced sexual exploitation historically. - Behind Closed Doors – 0113 222 4562
A charity supporting people suffering from domestic abuse in Leeds. - Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) – 0113 246 0401
Advice and Outreach support for women and men, and access to emergency accommodation for women and children. - Leeds Women’s Aid – 0113 246 0401
An independent charity providing services to women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse, including confidential live chat available Mon-Fri 1-3pm, Tues and Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. - SARSVL – 0808 802 3344
Helpline and face-to-face appointments for Support After Rape & Sexual Violence Leeds (women and girls).
External support – National: All victims
- Refuge - 0808 2000 247
Refuge is an independent, specialist charity that supports women fleeing domestic abuse and other forms of gender-based violence.
External support: Male victims
- Mankind Initiative – 01823 334 244
Helpline for men across the UK suffering from domestic abuse by their current or former wife or partner (including same-sex partner). Available Monday to Friday 10am-4pm and 7pm-9pm. - Men’s Advice Line – 0808 801 0327
National helpline for male victims of domestic abuse, available Monday to Friday 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm.
External support: LGBT+ victims
- Galop UK – 0800 999 5428
The LGBT+ anti-violence charity (national) encompassing hate crime, sexual violence and domestic abuse.
Stalking and harassment
- National Stalking Helpline – 0300 636 0300
The national helpline for victims of stalking and harassment is available Monday to Friday 9.30am-4pm, except on Wednesday when it is available 1pm-4pm.
Support for perpetrators
It is recognised that perpetrators of domestic abuse and violence may wish to seek help voluntarily. For more information on help available, contact Respect or call 0808 802 4040.
Additional on-line support and advice
- The Hideout
A space to help young people and to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it's happening to them. - Respect not Fear
A site aimed at young people experiencing domestic violence, whether they are the victims, perpetrators of domestic violence or know someone who is. - DASH
The Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour-Based Violence (DASH 2009) Risk Identification, Assessment and Management Model was implemented across all police services in the UK in 2009. It introduced a common checklist for police services/partner agencies for identifying, assessing and managing risk.
Important note
The University recognises that these contact details may not cover every eventuality, and that related policies/legislation/processes and sources of advice/assistance will change. We will update the contacts regularly to help ensure they remain relevant and useful, and welcome any feedback. Please forward comments and suggestions to the Equality & Inclusion Unit (EIU) at
Please also contact EIU if you require this document in an alternatively published format.