Becoming a University of Leeds Mediator
If you feel you may be interested in becoming a mediator, the following should provide some helpful information:
Who are our mediators?
Our mediators are University staff members from all categories and grades who have excellent interpersonal skills and would like to help others.
As mediation sessions take place during working hours, it is a condition of appointment that the time commitment is agreed with your manager.
All our mediators work in pairs. They also belong to a network of University mediators who take part in regular supervised feedback sessions.
Why become a mediator?
You will be helping to create a more positive working environment in the University. You will be developing yourself too, enhancing your own communication and conflict resolution skills and gaining a recognised qualification.
What training is involved?
You will need to complete a four day external course to obtain the Interpersonal Mediation Practitioner’s Certificate.
When are you recruiting?
We recruit and train mediators periodically based on the need and capacity of the service. Look out for our adverts on the University’s ‘For Staff’ news page and all-staff e-newsletter.
Please note that this post is open only to University of Leeds staff.