Meet Our Mediators
Our mediators are professionally trained University staff members from all categories and grades. Mediators work in pairs to facilitate discussions. Mediators will not mediate in any cases where a party is known to them or within their own Faculty or Service.
- Gemma Baker, Leeds Doctoral College
- Julia Bell, Leeds University Business School
- Rachel Beaumont, Academic Operations
- Jenna Bodin-Galvez, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, in the Language Centre
- Alastair Hay, LICAMM, Faculty of Medicine and Health
- Sarah Hill, Educational Engagement
- Elizabeth Hird, Facilities Directorate
- Martin Pelan, Student Education Service
- Esther Pickering, Student Education Service
- Catherine Roberts, School of Food Science & Nutrition, Faculty of Environment
- Shereen Robinson, Leeds University Business School
- Isabelle Travis, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures