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Car parking for disabled people

Updated 28 August 2024:

The Equality and Inclusion Unit is in the process of reviewing and updating this webpage.


The University has designated parking spaces on campus for disabled staff members, disabled students and disabled visitors.

Staff and students with a Blue Badge require a Blue Badge Permit to park on campus. You can find out more information about the process and obtain a permit by making contact with Blue Badge permit parking

Staff who hold a local authority Blue Badge and wish to park on campus are required to apply for a University Blue Badge Permit. This is free of charge and is available throughout the year. For more information please contact the Car Parking Team and visit Staff Parking.

Students Blue Badge Parking

Students who hold a Blue Badge and wish to park on campus are required to apply for a University Blue Badge Permit. This is free of charge and is available throughout the year. For more information please contact the Car Parking Team at and visit Student Parking.


If you have been invited to, or are attending an event at the University during the core parking hours [7am – 5pm Monday – Friday] your parking must be pre-booked. Please contact the department you are visiting to make arrangements. If visitors require parking outside of these hours, you can refer to the public parking arrangements.

Non blue badge holders

Non-blue badge holders who still require a Parking Permit, for example, those with a long term or temporary mobility / other impairment, can apply via the following routes;
• Staff can apply for an interim parking permit.
• Students can contact Disability Services for support with the recommendation of a permit.