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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Governance

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) governance structure ensures University Executive oversight of the EDI Strategy, and all related activities, whilst ensuring diverse perspectives, experiences and voices are included.

To support the successful delivery of the Strategy and the EDI Plan, the governance structure at University level has been refreshed, and the EDI Committee (EDIC) and the EDI steering group have been established.

Access the EDI Governance diagram (PDF)

EDI Committee

The EDI Committee (EDIC) provides oversight of the delivery of the EDI activities that meet the University’s legal and regulatory obligations, and ensures that continuous progress is being made to achieve the EDI Strategy objectives and institutional EDI KPIs. It also provides a forum for informing decision-making on institutional policies, procedures and actions related to EDI. EDIC reports to the University Executive Group (UEG).

EDIC consists of senior leadership members, co-opted colleagues representing a variety of roles, areas of expertise and lived experience, and also LUU representation.

EDIC meets three times a year.

EDIC Terms of Reference

EDI Steering Group

The EDI Steering Group is responsible for guiding actions to support the implementation of EDI KPIs and the EDI Plan across faculties and services. The Steering Group helps actively manage  dependencies and align EDI priorities. It meets frequently in between EDIC meetings.

The Steering Group is formed by the Director of EDI, EDI Dean and Faculty EDI academic leads.

Faculty/School/Professional Services EDI Committees

Faculty/School/Professional Services EDI Committees support the delivery of the EDI Strategy and Plan by aligning institutional activities with local priorities and providing insight to inform planning and decision-making.

Equality Charter Institutional SATs

Institutional Self-Assessment Teams (ISATs) are responsible for the oversight of university-level applications for specific Charters and delivery of the action plans.

Athena Swan ISAT

The Athena Swan ISAT is responsible for leading and directing the work of the University towards gender equality through the Advance HE Athena Swan Charter action plan.

Athena Swan at the University of Leeds

Race Equality Charter ISAT

The Race Equality Charter ISAT is responsible for leading and directing the work of the University to prepare for the application for a Bronze award from the Advance HE Race Equality Charter and addressing racial inequalities. The Race Equality SAT was launched on 10 October 2023.

Advance HE's Race Equality Charter

Staff Equity Networks

Staff Equity Networks are vital partners for ensuring the voice and input from under-represented groups are embedded into the successful strategic delivery.

Find out more about Staff Equity Networks at the University of Leeds