The Equality Impact Assessment Form
Contents of this page
Section 1: Information about the lead officers carrying out the EIA
Section 2: About the Policy
Section 3: Involvement and Consultation
Section 4: Gathering data and evidence
Section 5: Assessing the impact
Section 6: Action planning
Section 7: Justifying the policy
Download a blank Equality Impact Assessment Form which can be completed by Schools, Faculties, Departments and Services.
Section 1: Information about the lead officers carrying out the EIA
This should include the details of everybody involved in the EIA and their role in the policy.
Section 2: About the Policy
This should include the title of the policy, its purpose and aims, who was involved in the development of the policy, and who the policy will apply to.
Section 3: Involvement and Consultation
This should detail all the consultation you carried out, including who you consulted with.
Section 4: Gathering data and evidence
This should include what data you used, how you collected it, and how you used it. If the data was not collected within the University, you should state the source of the information.
Section 5: Assessing the impact
This should specify all the impacts you identified for each of the protected characteristics.
Section 6: Action planning
This should set out the actions you have identified to eliminate the negative impacts.
Section 7: Justifying the policy
If the policy cannot be changed, please not the justification of any negative impact. Please consult the EIA Guidance document for more information. If you are considering this approach, please contact the EIU.
Section 8: Approval and publishing
This should record the name of the lead officer who signed off the EIA, the date it was carried out and the date it was forwarded to the EIU.
Progress against the action plan should continue to be reviewed regularly.
Download a copy of the EIA Guidance Notes (Word)
Download a Glossary of Key Terms, Useful Definitions and Examples (Word)