Prayer and Contemplation
Prayer and contemplation spaces on campus
Information about the University's prayer and contemplation spaces on campus available to both staff and student communities can be found on the prayer, contemplation and faith-based support page.
Time for prayer and religious observance
If brief periods of regular prayer during the working day are part of your faith practice, the University will accommodate this whenever possible, but you need to make any necessary arrangements for your absence and catch up on any work you miss.
If you can't attend exams on a Sabbath, holy day or religious festival, make sure you inform the Exams Team by the last Friday in October of the relevant academic year and fill in a "Notification of Religious Commitments" form. The University will try to avoid arranging exams on these days if possible. Information is on the For Students Examinations and Assessment website.
Faith-based support
You can find support and information related to your faith from chaplains and faith-based advisers, Leeds University Union student faith societies and contacts for different faiths in the local community.
- Leeds Universities Chaplaincy - Tel: 0113 343 5071
- University Muslim Student Adviser - Email: or Tel: 07543 800 508. Sister Jaan works on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
- Leeds University Union Student Faith Societies
- Contacts for other faiths in Leeds are available from the Universities Chaplaincy
This guidance has been developed by Student Support and the Equality & Inclusion Unit.
Further information, advice and guidance is available from the: Equality & Inclusion Unit and the Universities Chaplaincy Team.