Student Data 2013
In this section you will find a breakdown of the University of Leeds student population by age, gender, ethnicity, disability & religion under the following:
- admissions data
- degree classification data
- registered student data
Although we are pleased to produce such comprehensive equality information, we must not be complacent; we still need to identify gaps in information in order to achieve a true understanding of how the university promotes equality and an inclusive student experience.
Moving forward, how will the information be used?
The data will be used in a variety of ways provide evidence to inform decision making. The equality information will be used
- to monitor progress on the university's equality objectives to provide evidence to support the identification of activity to improve the student experience
- to monitor effects of policies and practices on students from various protected groups
The following comparative student data provides information by protected characteristics on the university's admissions processes by:
- the number of students who applied for an undergraduate / postgraduate course,
- the number of students who were offered a place,
- the number of students who accepted a place to study at Leeds.
Download a copy of the University of Leeds Student admissions (PDF)
The following data provides information on the University of Leeds registered student population by protected characteristics.
Please note:
- all information is for the academic period 2012 - 13
- the % figure is calculated from the total known characteristics (i.e. unknown student data has been excluded)
- the data has been separated for home/EU students
- a total of 29,594 undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate students registered during this academic period
Home / EU student data
- the total % of students aged 21 and over registering for an undergraduate course was 12.6%
Overseas student data
- the total % of overseas students aged 21 and over registering for an undergraduate course was 32.7%
Download a copy of the age report (PDF)
Home/EU student data:
- 8.7 % of students registering for an undergraduate course declared a disability
- 7 % of students registering for a taught postgraduate course declared a disability
- 8.2 % of students registering for a research postgraduate course declared a disability
- the highest disclosed disability amongst all undergraduate, taught and research post graduate registered students was a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D, at 5.1% of the total student population
Overseas student data
- 1.5 % of students registering for an undergraduate, taught and research postgraduate course who declared a disability
Download a copy of the disability report (PDF)
Home/EU student data:
- the total % of known Black or Minority Ethnic (BME) students registering for an undergraduate course was 13.6%
- Of the total BME students registering for an undergraduate course, the largest known ethnic groups were British Asian/Indian (2.6%) and British Asian/Pakistani (2.6%)
- the total % of BME students registering for a taught post graduate course was 14.4 %
- Of the total BME students registering for a taught postgraduate course, the largest known ethnic group were British Asian/Indian (3.8%) and British Asian/Pakistani (2.4%)
- the total % of known BME students registering for a research postgraduate was 13%
- Of the total BME students registering for a research postgraduate course, the largest known ethnic group was British Asian/Indian (2.8%)
Overseas student data
- Of the total overseas students registering for an undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate course, students from China form the largest known ethnic group, at 41.5%.
Download a copy of the ethnicity report (PDF)
Home/EU student data:
- 60 % of female students registered for an undergraduate course
- 59.3% of female students registered for a taught postgraduate course
- 47.3 % of female students registered for a research postgraduate course
Overseas student data
- 51.2 % of female students registered for an undergraduate course
- 63.3 % of female students registered for a taught postgraduate course
- 43.9 % of female students registered for a research postgraduate course
Download a copy of the gender report (PDF)
Gender identity
Home/EU student data:
- 0.5% of students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses declared their gender was not the same as that assigned at birth
Overseas student data
- 0.8% of students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses declared their gender was not the same as that assigned at birth
Download a copy of the gender identity report (PDF)
Home/EU student data:
- 47.6% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they have no religion
- 40.2% all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Christian faith
- 4.4% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Muslim faith
- 1.6% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Jewish faith
- 1.5% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Hindu faith
Overseas student data:
- 32.6% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they have no religion
- 27.1% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Muslim faith
- 8.1% all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Buddhist faith
- 6.4% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they belong to the Hindu faith
Download a copy of the religion report (PDF)
Sexual orientation
Home/EU student data:
- 96.1% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were heterosexual / straight
- 1.5% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were gay men
- 0.9% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were bisexual women
- 0.5% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were lesbian / gay women
- 0.4%% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were bisexual men
Overseas student data
- 93.1% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were heterosexual / straight
- 1.9% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were bisexual women
- 1.5%% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were bisexual men
- 0.2% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were lesbian / gay women
- 0.1% of all students registering for undergraduate, research and taught postgraduate courses stated they were gay men
Download a copy of the sexual orientation report (PDF)
(Please note a large proportion of monitoring data on sexual orientation remains unknown)
Degree Classification
Information on the degree classification of students completing an undergraduate course by age, disability, ethnicity and gender for the academic periods 2010/11 and 2011/12
Download a copy of the University of Leeds Degree classification information (PDF)
If you would like more information about anything contained within the reports, or if you require the information in alternative formats (for example, braille, large print or audio), please contact the Equality & Inclusion Unit on