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Student Data 2012

In this section you will find information about University of Leeds students by the following:

  • Admissions, and degree classification data by age, gender, ethnicity & disability
  • Registered student data by age, gender, ethnicity, disability & religion

Although we are pleased to produce such comprehensive equality information, we must not be complacent; we still need to identify gaps in information in order to achieve a true understanding of how the university promotes equality and an inclusive student experience.

Moving forward, how will the information be used?

The data will be used in a variety of ways provide evidence to inform decision making. The equality information will be used

  • to identify the university's equality objectives, by April 2012
  • to monitor effects of policies and practices on students from various protected groups
  • to provide evidence to support the identification of activity to improve the student experience

Admissions/registration/degree classification

Current registered students


If you would like more information about anything contained within the reports, or if you require the information in alternative formats (for example, braille, large print or audio), please contact the Equality & Inclusion Unit