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Staff Data 2012

In this section you will find information about University of Leeds staff by the following:

  • Institutional Level Data by Protected Characteristic
  • Academic Staff Data by Protected Characteristic
  • Professional and Managerial Staff Data by Protected Characteristic
  • Support Staff Data by Protected Characteristic
  • Equal Pay Audit Information
  • Equality and Diversity Annual Reports

Although we are pleased to produce such comprehensive equality information, we must not be complacent; we still need to identify gaps in information in order to achieve a true understanding of how the university promotes equality and an inclusive staff experience.

Moving forward, how will the information be used?

The data will be used in a variety of ways provide evidence to inform decision making. The equality information will be used

  • to identify the university's equality objectives, by April 2012
  • to monitor effects of policies and practices on staff from various protected groups
  • to provide evidence to support the identification of activity to improve the staff experience

For more information about the importance of equality monitoring data please visit the Staff Equality Data Monitoring Information FAQs.

Institutional Level

Key headlines from the institutional data include:

  • more female staff than male staff (53% v 47%)
  • of the 31% staff who work part time, 70% are female
  • of the 22% of staff who have declared they have a caring responsibility, 44% are male
  • 11% of all staff are from a black or minority ethnic, however a large proportion of staff ethnicity information remains unknown
  • 5% of staff have declared a disability, however a large proportion of staff disability information remains unknown
  • 3% of staff have declared they are a gay man, lesbian/gay woman or bisexual, however a large proportion of staff information on sexual orientation remains unknown.


Academic Staff

Professional / Managerial Staff

Support Staff

Equal Pay Information

What is an Equal Pay Review?

An Equal Pay Review involves the comparison of the pay of men and women doing equal work, investigating the causes of any pay gaps by gender, ethnicity, disability or working pattern and planning to close any gaps that cannot be justified on grounds other than one of those characteristics. It uses existing Human Resource data to provide an overview of pay patterns across the institution.

An equal pay review is concerned with an important, but narrow, aspect of potential discrimination in employment - unequal pay for equal work. It does not directly address other aspects of inequality, but such aspects may be highlighted by the pay review.

The University supports the principle of equal pay for work of equal value and recognises that we should operate a pay system that is transparent, based on objective criteria, free from bias and delivers in line with the University's commitment to equality and diversity and in line with the Single Equality Scheme.


The University appointed Capita, an independent specialist, to undertake a comprehensive and independent review of our pay data to provide an overview of pay patterns across the institution specifically with respect to equal pay for work of equal value.

Capita used data correct at July 2009 to undertake an analysis of basic pay levels between equality groups and an analysis of the staffing profile to identify possible causes of any pay differences.

The review examined potential differences in pay between the following equality groups to test whether they are significant and to determine their cause:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Service
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity

The review also included an analysis of contract status and type and starting pay by looking at the pay of staff with less than one year's service. 

Summary of Findings

The analysis found that there were no significant gaps in pay between different equality groups within the same pay grade for grades 2-9, and for staff on the incremental scale within grade 10.

Significant pay gaps existed when considering grade 10 including those on non standard arrangements.  However it was noted that grade 10 has different characteristics to other pay grades as it contains a collection of senior roles of different types, sizes and at different management levels.

When considering contract status, fixed term staff tended to earn less than permanent staff in the same grade.  Analysis suggests that the key reason for this is that typically fixed term staff have significantly less service than permanent staff and that this will impact on pay because of the University's incremental pay structure.

Gaps in pay between different equality groups when considering total staff across all grades are often the result of the uneven distribution of staff in different equality groups by pay grade within an organisation.  For example, within the University there is an overall gender pay gap of 21.6%.  However, analysis shows that a key feature of our workforce overall is the uneven distribution of male and female staff by pay grade with a higher proportion of female staff in the lower grades and a lower proportion of female staff in the higher grades in the University. This is common within organisations in higher education and elsewhere.

The lack of sufficient data hindered the analysis of pay by ethnic group and by disability and made it difficult to draw definitive conclusions as to the size of any pay gap. 

Summary of Recommendations

The recommendations made by Capita as part of the Equal Pay review are as follows:

  • There is an uneven distribution of male and female staff by grade and this is the cause of the overall gender pay gap of 21.6% within the University.  This reflects national patterns and it should not be assumed that the University pay scales are unfair. However it does nevertheless provide a stimulus to press ahead with equality impact assessments and the implementation of the University's Single Equality Scheme.We recommend the University keeps its recruitment and promotion procedures under review to ensure there is no bias in appointing to senior posts and reviews its arrangements for succession planning and leadership development to help it to achieve a more even gender distribution of staff in its higher grades.
  • We recommend that the University explores ways of encouraging disclosure so that records are as complete as possible in order to allow the University to meet its obligations in promoting and monitoring equality for ethnic groups and disabled staff under the Equality Act 2010.
  • We recommend that it develops and implements a policy in line with the EHRC model Equal Pay Policy. The policy should be developed in consultation with, and then communicated to, staff and their recognised representatives and trade unions.  The University should also identify someone with sufficient authority to be responsible for implementing the policy and monitoring its effectiveness.
  • We recommend further investigation of the available data where there are significant pay gaps between staff in different equality groupings in the same grade, in order to establish the causes of these gaps.

Many of these actions are already underway such as the review of promotion and recruitment procedures and the consideration of how to encourage greater disclosure across all staff.

University of Leeds - Equal Pay Policy Statement


The University of Leeds recognises the importance of equality and valuing diversity and we are committed to ensuring that all staff are treated equitably regardless of their age, race (including nationality, ethnic or national origin), disability, sexual orientation, gender (including staff who have undergone gender re-assignment), marital or parental status, religion or belief.  We believe as part of these principles that staff should receive equal pay for the same or broadly similar work, for work rated as equivalent and for work of equal value.

The University recognises that in order to achieve equal pay for employees carrying out equal work we should operate a pay system which is transparent, based on objective criteria and free from unfair bias on any grounds, including sex, race or disability. This is a fundamental principal which is central to University policy on Equality & Diversity and pay related policies and practices.

The Legislative Framework

Under the Equality Act 2010, both women and men have the right to equal pay for work of equal value, this applies to all employees regardless of full or part-time status, casual or temporary contract or length or service.

How will the University put Equal Pay in to Practice

The University is committed to ensuring that it:

  • Maintains a systematic role analysis scheme which incorporates the principles of Equal Pay.
  • Carries out regular monitoring of the impact of pay policies and practices and takes appropriate remedial action.
  • Provides guidance for managers involved in decisions about pay and benefits.
  • Works in partnership with trade union representatives to ensure equality in pay and benefits.
  • Responds promptly to any complaints in relation to equal pay.

By following these principles the University intends to avoid unfair discrimination and reward fairly the skills, experience and potential of all staff employed by the University of Leeds. This in turn is intended to increase efficiency and enhance the University's reputation and image as a first class university.

The 2009 Equal Pay Review (PDF)

Equality and Diversity Annual Reports


If you would like more information about anything contained within the reports, or if you require the information in alternative formats, please contact the Equality & Inclusion Unit