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Bottle, breastfeeding and well-being facilities

Bottle and Breastfeeding Facilities

The University campus is entirely breastfeeding friendly and there are no restrictions on bottle or breastfeeding at the University.

The following have been identified to offer space for breastfeeding and expressing.

Baines Wing: Room 3.39.

Chemical and Process Engineering:  Room 331.

Worsley Building: Room 8.036.

Worsley Building: Room 8.043o.

Clinical Sciences Building St James’s: Room 415. This room is only suitable for use by occupants or invited visitors to the Clinical Sciences Building as access is restricted.

Liberty Building: Room G26.

The Facilities Directorate have produced a map showing the locations of Baby Nursing Facilities on campus (PDF) and additional information about breastfeeding facilities for student parents can be found in the Policy on support for pregnant students and students with very young children (PDF). 

Well-being Facilities

Charles Thackrah Building: Room G09 is available to colleagues wishing to pray or use as a wellbeing room.

The rooms listed under bottle and breastfeeding facilities are also available for colleagues taking medication, therapeutic relaxation, physio exercise, sensory management and /or to rest to manage pain levels.

It is however recognised due to the size of the campus that informal local arrangements may be more appropriate to meet individual needs. When making these local arrangements please consider that appropriate spaces should include access to a sofa, chair/s, artificial & natural light source (and ability to control these light sources), ‘occupied’ sign and not be multi-use spaces e.g. a prayer room. A locally managed booking system may also need to be implemented to support the efficient use of these spaces.

Identifying an Appropriate Room

Staff are advised to speak to their line manager and students to their School/Faculty (normally your personal tutor/research supervisor), if a private, safe area is preferred or required for breastfeeding, expressing or other well-being purposes.  Together you should endeavour to identify an appropriate room that can be used, and consider whether a health and safety risk assessment is needed.  Staff who encounter any difficulty identifying a space or who need a room outside of their normal work location should contact their local HR team, who will be able to work with you to provide additional support.

For more information on accessible rooms, please visit the AccessAble University of Leeds webpage.