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Network for Minoritised Ethnic Staff (N4MES)

N4MES logo (Scales of justice)

N4MES logo (Scales of justice)

~ instinctually inclusive ~

Who are we?

The Network for Minoritised Ethnic* Staff (N4MES) at the University of Leeds are an instinctually inclusive staff network space for all Minoritised ethnic staff at the University that is welcoming, safe, open-minded, supportive, and positive.


  • Welcome and celebrate equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and the contributions of all Minoritised ethnic people globally.
  • Give and receive support on internal and external matters our members deem important including job and participation opportunities, positive action interventions, events, social interactions etc.
  • Commit to collectivise as a staff network to feedback to the institution on EDI related matters, initiatives, and concerns.

Previously known as Leeds11 for the percentage of staff who declared as Black, Asian and/or Minoritised ethnic, membership of The Network for Minoritised Ethnic Staff (N4MES) is open to all Minoritised ethnic staff across the University.

Membership of N4MES / Contact us?

If you identify as a Minoritised ethnic staff member, why not join us – become a Member of N4MES and benefit from our network vision to work for an anti-racist University; receive a range of opportunities, events, and interventions targeted towards our member needs.  Your free Membership of N4MES can be progressed simply by sending an email expressing your interest to join the network by contacting or if you have any queries about our staff network.

* ‘Minoritised ethnic’ is a recognised and recommended term for racial and ethnic groups/individuals who have been minoritised through social processes of power and domination rather than just existing in distinct statistical minorities. It also better reflects the fact that ethnic groups that are minorities in the UK are actually majorities in the global population. A guide to race and ethnicity terminology and language (The Law Society)