Inter Faith Week 8th-15th November

- Date
- Sunday 8 - Sunday 15 November, 2020
- Category
- Religion & Belief
Inter Faith Week takes place from Sunday 8 – Sunday 15 November and it provides an opportunity to strengthen relationships and understanding between people of different faiths and beliefs.
This awareness week intends to create increased understanding of the diversity of faith communities in the UK, and celebrate their contribution to society. Inter faith cooperation and understanding between staff and students of different religious and non-religious backgrounds are vital to the development of a diverse community at the University of Leeds. We encourage this through the provision of specialist guidance for staff and students and support for inter faith and faith groups.
Events and Activities
Leeds University Union Inter faith Group
Date: Monday 9 - Thursday 12 November
About: Leeds University Union (LUU) Inter faith Group have a packed schedule of events throughout the week including Buddhist meditation, an Inter Faith debate with the Debating Society and Irish dancing sessions. Find out more details on the LUU Inter faith Group Facebook page.
University of Leeds Unity Group
Date: Every Wednesday 12-1pm throughout November
About: The Unity Group will be hosting online events throughout the month as part of their 'Lovember' campaign to spread love and kindness.
LGBTQ+ Inter Faith Week Celebration 2020
Date: Wednesday 11 Nov, 6.30-7.30pm
About: The Faith and Belief Forum are hosting this event to provide an online space for LGBTQ+ people from different faiths, beliefs, and backgrounds to reflect, share, and be together. Hear from speakers from different faith backgrounds about how they have experienced the last few months, how community and spiritual life has been different, and what has brought them strength during challenging times.
Various local and national Inter Faith events
Date: Sunday 8 - Sunday 15 November
About: The Inter Faith week campaign events calendar collates local and national events taking place during this week including an Inter Faith Week Podcast from community members in Kirklees, an online discussion about Being LGBTQ+ and a Person of Faith hosted by York Interfaith Group and York LGBT Forum and a virtual Inter Faith poetry session from Batley Poets.
University support and resources
The University has a range of support and resources available to support staff and students in relation to religion and belief. This includes information about;
- The prayer spaces on campus.
- Guidance on religious observance.
- Responding to requests for flexibility on the grounds of religion.
University Inter Faith and Faith Groups
The University has a number of inter faith and faith groups for staff and students;
- Leeds University Union faith societies
- Leeds University Union inter faith group
- Muslim Staff Network
- Unity Group
- Universities Chaplaincy in Leeds
External Inter Faith Groups and Networks
There are a variety of external groups and networks that promote inter faith understanding;
- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Concord– One of the oldest inter faith groups in the UK to foster understanding and co-operation among members of faith communities in Leeds.
- The Faith and Belief Forum
- The Interfaith Network
- Women’s Interfaith Network (WIN)