Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Data Project
Why are we collecting staff data?
Human Resources and the Equality and Inclusion Unit are working with the Continuous Improvement team on a staff data project. The project aims to understand the reasons why current EDI data are incomplete in some areas.
We need our staff to be willing to provide accurate equality information to progress in EDI strategy and initiatives. Whether you have provided personal information, or not we would like to engage you in the work we are doing.
What do we plan to do with these data?
- Use the current staff profile as a baseline from which to monitor improvement and the impact of any new initiatives.
- Further understand the staff profile, to identify any areas of under-representation and assist with meeting the needs of our staff.
- To improve future EDI initiatives and equality, diversity and inclusion within the organisation.
Taking part in the EDI data project
We are seeking participants who are willing to help us explore the current approach used in the equality data collection process. There are three ways you can contribute.
Join our Padlet where your contribution is anonymous. Similar to a digital notice board, Padlets can be shared easily with others. Users can add topics, comments, images, links, videos and documents to a Padlet. Find out more about how to use Padlet.
EDI Data Questionnaire
This questionnaire is to help us gain understanding of the personal information you have provided and your perspective on our data collection process. You can fill out our EDI Data questionnaire.
The EDI Data focus group
We will be holding several workshops week commencing June 13th. To register your interest in participating in the focus group please email the Equality and Inclusion Unit.